Your 2024 Aries/Libra eclipse survival guide

Aries Season begins on March 21 which is also the equinox point when day and night are equal and the year tilts into a more ‘yin’ half in Australia. While the Summer-lovers amongst us are still in denial, the days are definitely cooling off and there’s no ignoring the fact that it’s time to dig out the jumpers and blankets. It’s a big fat BOO from me, who suffers badly from an annual seasonal slump in mood and energy.

Aries month brings us 2024’s first eclipse season, and this post is a full run down of what you can expect during this important time.


Every six months, the Sun and Moon line up near the Moon’s nodal axis. At the Full and New Moons, the alignment is close enough that they cast shadows on each other. During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth blocks the Sun, throwing a shadow onto the Moon. During a Solar Eclipse, the Moon blocks the Sun, shading Earth. Usually an ‘eclipse season’ has one Solar and one Lunar eclipse, two weeks apart.


In ye olden days, eclipses were deadset scary - an omen from cranky gods fortelling all kinds of disaster. These days, we know exactly when to expect them, but eclipses can still trigger an eventful period of time. Keywords for eclipses include beginnings, endings, wildcard events, focus, emphasis and crisis. If the eclipse is within a few degrees of a planet or point in your natal chart, then you can definitely expect an… errrr… interesting time.

Basically an eclipse speeds things up. It jumps you forward in a story. Perhaps you’re plodding away at something and suddenly your timeframe is shaken up. Events happen NOW. Things you’ve been ignoring abruptly demand attention.


Draw up your birth chart. Head to and create a free chart, or dig out your chart that I gave you after our consultation.

These eclipses are happening in the signs of Aries and Libra. Find where these symbols are in the outer circle of your chart…

Now use the diagram below to figure out which ‘houses’ of the chart are being impacted. They’ll always be opposite each other. In this example, Aries is the 11th house and Libra is the 5th.

Use these images to identify the house then read which life topics are being impacted.

Chances are that these will be topics that have already been a focus area in recent months. We had an Aries eclipse in April 2023 and one in Libra in October. Storylines from this time may be reactivated or progressed. Or entirely new events may occur, that also reflect these topics.


Eclipses = shake ups. They can feel fated, in the way they toss your life about and head you in a new direction. At the time they can feel confronting and upsetting. The best way to negotiate them is to accept and be open. The Universe is throwing down a challenge or making essential changes. Lean in. Accept. Try to understand what you need to learn and how you need to grow. Have faith that you’re being led into a situation that’s perfect.

Of course, the easiest way to understand the impact of eclipses is to book a session with me and I’ll take you through it. (I’m away right now, but am back taking clients from mid-April.)


Astrology can trigger anxiety about future events. It’s really important to keep it in perspective. Forecasting is really helpful for ‘preparing’ yourself for what lies ahead, but there’s never any need to fear anything. Life dishes up an endless array of interesting moments - eclipses are just more intense little periods of time that offer breakthroughs and progress. Enjoy the ride, and avoid overwhelm by remembering to just solve today’s problems today and leave tomorrow’s problems for tomorrow. You’ve got this!


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