Will Taylor Swift get married soon? Let’s check her astrology…

Tay-tay fever grips the land and I’m trying to understand the cultural juggernaut that is Miss Swift. I’ve got a playlist on repeat and her music seems like a place for Swifties to feel ALL the feels, in complete safety. She’s not weird. She’s not cool. She’s talented, driven and encouraging. She’s a fantastic, feminist role model. Her songs tend to dwell on relationships. It’s wanting, falling, loving, betrayal and recovery on repeat. The lyrics are both universal and personal. So I can understand why it is that everyone is now so invested in her relationship with Travis Kelce. After accompanying Taylor through endless relationship quagmires, the Swifties are caught in a romantic bubble, hoping that THIS GUY is the ONE.

Let’s check the astrology and see what it has to say…

Taylor Swift astrology birth chart

It’s worth noting that this birth time is widely used for Taylor, but I’m not able to verify the source. So we’ll use it, but take it with a pinch of salt.

What we know for sure is that Taylor is a Sagittarius Sun, with a chunk of planets in Capricorn. This signature is a friendly, optimistic person, who is ambitious, mature, hard working and goal oriented. I’ve seen her interviewed saying that her mum drove her around record labels when she was 11 years old, pitching a demo tape. What a perfect example of the optimism and hard work wrapped up in one anecdote.

The Uranus/Mercury/Neptune/Saturn is originality/communication/ allure/mastery. This is someone who can write tight, structured pop tunes that stand out. Incidently, this Uranus/Neptune/Saturn features in most charts of folks born in 1989 - it’s an interesting yeargroup!

Taylor’s Moon is Cancer - emotional, protective, nurturing. It’s also out-of-bounds, so she may feel like she never quite fits in. This is the ‘gawky’ girl, trying to find where she belongs in the world. Sitting near Jupiter, Taylor is upbeat. For every cloud, there’s a silver lining. For every heartbreak, there’s hope for better in the future.

The Moon plays a significant role in relationships - it’s our ability to feel safe, to take care of people, to connect emotionally. And we’ll also look to Venus - our love planet. Taylor has her Venus in Aquarius - and this is much more independent. She’s progressive and needs some freedom (as does the Sag sun). She may prefer unusual relationships or people. She’ll be looking for someone quirky and open minded.

Her Mars sits dignified in Scorpio - this is determined, sexy, with stamina and staying power. The Mars/Moon combo is seeking strength and safety in relating. It’s loyal and dedicated, but will NOT put up with being betrayed in any way. Think of Tay Tay’s ongoing feud with Kanye, and her willingness to re-record ALL her early albums in order to ‘win’ a situation. Girlfriend can hold a grudge.

Moving to forecasting, we look at Taylor’s triwheel, we start to see how current energetic weather is playing out in her natal chart. Her birth chart is in the middle. Progressions are the centre wheel and transits are in the outer wheel. This is how I do all my forecasting sessions. We’re looking for interesting contacts between all three charts.

If this time is accurate, then September 2024 is action packed. We’ve got progressed Mars/ASC conjuncting her natal Sun. Uranus sits on her descendent (a point of partnership), Jupiter is in her 7th house. Transiting Mars (a major timing factor) hits the progressed Jupiter and natal Moon. Progressed Moon (another major timing factor) hits her progressed Midheaven, just as transiting Venus and the South Node pass by. Her progressed Venus and Sun are also coming up to meet in the next year or two.

This all smacks of relationship changes, spontaneity, a sense of destiny and ROMANCE.

Shifting to 2025 and there are a bunch of short term transits that augur well for marriage. Mars and Jupiter will meet in the 7th house. Venus retrogrades through Aries, trining her Sun and squaring her Moon. Neptune squares her Moon. Saturn hovers in her 4th bringing commitment and maturity in her home sector.

All in all, I’d say marriage is very likely for Taylor between July this year and June 2025.

travis kelce astrology chart

But is Travis Kelce the right astrology match for Taylor? Even without a birth time, we can see that his Venus sits exactly on her Mars and his Moon sits with her Sun. He loves her energy. She is all the adventure and fun that he’s looking for. They both have Mercury in earth signs, bringing an ability to communicate and they share a love language (acts of service). Their Saturns are activating each other’s charts too, so that’s long-term commitment.

This looks like a pretty great compatibility.

From Jan 2026, Taylor enters a more private period of time. Perhaps this is children and a retreat from the glare of fame. But hopefully she’ll squeeze in another album or two before then.


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