Chiron in Astrology

Settle in for a couple of days of personal growth and self improvement this weekend, building to Monday’s busy astrology with three aspects - two featuring Chiron, the minor planet of both wounding and healing. 

Chiron in our natal chart describes a major point of personal vulnerability - a tender spot in our psyche, that could manifest as low self-esteem, body image issues, or imposter syndrome. It might describe repeating behaviours that stop us from living our best lives and tends to be a theme that is solidly stuck. These topics can play out repeatedly throughout our lifetimes. 

There is good news! This wounded part of ourselves can be worked on, and improvements gained. Self awareness is the first step. Bravery to dig into your deepest vulnerabilities is the second step. Then we can face the beast, and our deepest fears around being unloveable or unacceptable or a failure. And then we can move on, to create strategies and find new ways of approaching things or managing ourselves.

And while we may never completely ‘heal’ our wound, each step forward brings compassion, both for ourselves and the also for the similar flaws in others. Dealing with Chiron makes us better people.

And that’s what we can focus on this weekend. Finding love for our wound (Venus square Chiron) and highlighting how it may actually be one of our best assets (Sun sextile Chiron). To help this along, a meeting of Mercury and Pluto is thinking about our transformation, helping us to articulate what needs to be done in order to regenerate into better versions of ourselves.


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