Astrology insights for kindy teachers in 2024

astrology insights for teachers of children starting school in 2024

We’re back to school this week, and in possibly the cutest annual community event, we’re sending our babes off to big school. The new shoes! The massive tunics! The quivering bottom lips! IT IS ALL TOO ADORABLE.

As parents and kids blubber their goodbyes, teachers will be doing a quick assessment of WHAT THESE KIDS WILL BE LIKE. Ask any teacher and they’ll assure you that the different year groups have similar tendencies. Some years are easier than others. Some year groups are fantastic. Some are deadset rotten. 

To help the teachers along, here’s my quick astrological run down, of what you can expect with this year’s newest students.

Planets all move at different speeds, varying from Mercury, who flies around the Zodiac in 88 days, all the way out to Pluto, who takes 248 years to complete one circuit. Astrologers group all planets into three segments - the personal, social and generational planets - depending on their speed. Fast moving planets move signs constantly, creating our unique blueprint and personality. The combination of these planets in your chart are highly personal. The generational planets shift signs rarely and impact entire generations of people - ie, Pluto is in Capricorn for every child born between 2007 & 2024. These give traits and priorities that define our generations - eg the ‘boomers’ are born with Pluto in Leo or Virgo.

In between these quick and slow planets, we have the ‘social’ planets of Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter shifts signs about every year, Saturn moves signs every 2-3 years. So it’s THESE planets that we’re focusing on to show traits apparent across a cohort of schoolmates.


In 2024, in Australia, the bulk of kids starting into kindy will have been born between January 2018 and July 2019. This entire cohort has Saturn in Capricorn. For teachers, this is FANTASTIC. These are kids who are focused, serious, hardworking and practical. They are keen to do well, are respectful and compliant with authority. They will persevere with things to reach a goal. They will do well with star charts and reward systems. However there is an individualistic edge to their goals - so a bit of healthy competition will work wonders. Who is the student of the week? Who is sitting up straightest? They will LOVE these behaviour strategies.

Within this broader grouping, the kids will fall into two distinct groups - those born Jan - Oct 2018 and those born after Nov 2018.  

January - October 2018 born kids have Jupiter in Scorpio. After November 2018, they have Jupiter in Sagittarius.

Jupiter in Scorpio kids will be more serious and reserved. They have deep thoughts that they keep private. Perhaps they’re more secretive. They approach the world from a feelings perspective and could lash out when feeling vulnerable. They need to feel emotionally safe. Their serious little minds will be pondering life’s mysteries. Magic and the supernatural may capture their attention. They may also contemplate death at quite an early age. They are searching for deep truths in a surprisingly existential way. When interested in a task they are extremely focused and determined. They may not focus well on topics they’re not interested in.

TEACHER’S TAKEAWAY: Keep them guessing, allow them space and privacy, never humiliate them, avoid any classroom hypocrisy. Understand their difficulty with sharing.

Jupiter in Sagittarius kids are more lighthearted. They are the class clowns. Naturally happy and optimistic they are free spirited and full of joy. Whilst also seeking to understand the world and discover truths, they are more action-based in how they approach the world. Get them doing experiments and experiencing the truths of their learning. They are the truth-seekers, who need variety to stay interested and may struggle to sit still indoors.

TEACHER’S TAKEAWAY: Get them outside measuring, running between learning activities and sharing their wild stories with the class. They love a laugh and a bit of fun. They need a fair classroom and straightforward systems. They will also respond well to reward charts and equitable systems, but they may take them less seriously than their older classmates.

Generally it’s a great year of little learners. They’re big picture oriented, aware of the wider school community and their social responsibilities. Of course, each child has personal planets layered over the top, which makes for an endless array of little personalities, but these broad themes should ring true across the cohort.

So that’s it - good luck kindy kids! Good luck parents! And best of luck to teachers - I don’t know how you do it!


Chiron in Astrology


On the cusp of tomorrow -the astrology of 2024