On the cusp of tomorrow -the astrology of 2024

The energetic forecast for 2024 - astrology news

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


Welcome to the start of 2024! It is impossible to discuss the planetary energy for the coming 12 months, without mentioning 2025, which looms ahead as a truly BIG year, when all the outer planets will change signs. Unlike the inner planets that whip through each Zodiac sign in weeks, the outer planets spend years in each sector, so their shift into a new part of the Zodiac is rare and significant. These movements impact us personally but also as a global community. Having so many planets move together in 2025 signals that a substantial energetic shift is tantalisingly close. BUT, to get us to there, we first need to tackle 2024, which looks to be simultaneously about wrapping storylines up, whilst gaining little previews about what the future holds for us both as a society as well as individuals. 

The outer planets of Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are all hovering in the late degrees of signs. Their ongoing themes will continue to play out in our lives, but disquiet may seep in as understanding dawns that change is necessary and that we need to start preparing for it, seeking new ideas and avenues.


Pluto is the first of the outer planets to shift signs and this transition was previewed earlier this year when it moved from Capricorn into Aquarius for three months (March - June). In 2024, Pluto shifts more permanently into Aquarius on January 21, but takes one final dip back into Capricorn between September - November. This heralds our next shift into the ‘future’. We’ve had one preview of this influence so far, and can already anticipate the topics that are going to dominate our lives. 

Pluto is not an easy planet, so these are society-shaking topics such as AI, uncovering corrupt political systems, and the allocation of power for each individual within the collective. We may see a push to restructure how we live as a community, perhaps forced by housing shortages, and financial inequality. Governments should watch for disquiet among the common people and act on their call for change - the last Pluto in Aquarius period (1778-1798) resulted in the French Revolution and the American Revolutionary War. This is the energy where people will work as a collective, to right wrongs. 

AI will be back dominating the headlines as we start to feel its impact in our everyday lives. We can expect significant restructuring of the workforce and job descriptions over the next 20 years. Pluto often brings fear, and we can expect this influence to feel dark and foreboding. Try to not get caught up in dystopian visions - AI also brings the potential for huge benefits that the clickbait headlines don’t focus on, such as improved medical diagnosis, safer vehicles, and the removal of human bias from decision making and policy. 


Neptune flirts in the final degrees of Pisces, keeping us dreaming of what may lie ahead. Spirituality and astrology has flourished since this influence began in 2011. This continues in 2024, along with the prevalence of illusion and glamour (think social media filters and glossing over reality) and the general difficulty in knowing what you can and can’t believe (think Trump’s post-truth world). Expect these topics to be highlighted in early July. 

Saturn inches closer to Neptune throughout 2024, but they don’t meet up exactly until 2026. We can expect this building energy to help us distinguish fact from fantasy. Trust may become a major issue for many - who can you trust in your life and in the society as a whole? Leadership may be flakey, or lying to us. Structures may be built on false pretences. There are positive potentials too - leaders could be successful by taking a softer approach, choosing to take a more broad, generous and loving perspective of issues (ok, so that’s probably my own utopian dream of what could be…)

Uranus continues through Taurus, triggering more changes to food production (fake meat, other processed innovations), currency (Crypto) and climate. Uranus brings sudden disruption and Taurus is the sign of Mother Earth. Climate disasters have been everywhere since this phase began in 2018. It will be fascinating to see if events settle down somewhat after 2025.


Like 2023, the first half of 2024 is ‘faster’ and more purposeful than the second. Lean into the encouraging stars and GO FOR IT. Leaps and bounds are easier to make during this period so be ambitious about moving yourself and your plans along before the outer planets all start to turn retrograde from May onwards. 

The only hiccup during these months is a Mercury retrograde in April - use this period wisely - reassess your progress, plans and make edits where necessary.

From February - May, all the planets sit tightly packed between Pluto and Uranus in the signs of Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Taurus. The Moon’s cycle becomes highlighted and you may be more reactive than usual. Expect to feel fortnightly shifts in your motivation as the Moon waxes and wanes. Find the Aquarius, Pisces, Aries & Taurus houses in your chart. This will show life topics and stories that will be highlighted for you.  


Late March - late April is the year’s wildcard patch, with a round of eclipses across the Libra/Aries axis and the year’s biggest outer planet conjunction - Jupiter and Uranus on April 21. Astrologers will froth over the potential of this one, but I suspect that all the speculation in the world won’t prepare us for the actual events during this time. The optimist in me, sees this period of time as being GOOD, with expansion, unpredictable changes of course, insights and rebellion playing out. If you’ve gone off track, the universe may step in and reorient you. On a higher level this is lofty and noble, but on the ground, it may manifest as destabilising moments and events. Any Uranus themes and topics will be exacerbated at this time, before Jupiter’s departure from Taurus in May.


On May 26, Jupiter makes its annual sign shift, moving from Taurus to Gemini. Technically in ‘detriment’ and less able to express itself cleanly, this move brings a more more active and thoughtful tone to Jupiter’s need for freedom and expansion. For the past year the planet of faith and enquiry has been snuggling under a Taurean doona, quite content, but Gemini will bring this energy back into public life. We’ll all notice increased mental palpitations - socialising may return more strongly focused on relationships and ‘catching up’. This energy is really helpful for retrograde season, helping us to process and continue on personal growth pathways.


Pluto begins the retrograde parade on May 2, followed by Saturn (June 29), Neptune (July 2), Chiron (July 26), Uranus (Sep 1) and Jupiter (Oct 9). Retrograde planets bring pause, contemplation and a chance for integration of whichever topics they rule. Got a problem in that area of your life? This can be the time to put the effort into solving it. Time tends to scoot by, and you may feel you’ve got little to show for it, but have faith that all the energy you put into life throughout these months will come flooding back in beneficial ways in 2025. 

August looks to be the most stagnant month in terms of retrograde energy with Mercury also in the the mix. Adding to the blah - Mars conjoins Jupiter and both square Saturn around August 14-21. This energy is full of missteps and frustrations. Planning a fabulous trip to Europe for their Summer? I’d avoid this entire month.


November/December has our final Mercury Retrograde and Mars joins in with a retrograde that impacts us right through Summer of 2024/2025. In Leo/Virgo, this influence focuses on people born in July. Trining Saturn, there’s the potential for active restructuring and plans for a better future. This feels like just the energy we need to pick ourselves up and head towards 2025’s changes with courage and purpose. 


It’s a year of insight, some fresh starts but plenty of life feeling ‘sticky’ as you struggle to move onwards from circumstances that you’ve outgrown. We’re still 12 months away from the decade’s biggest shifts and this is a preparation year. We’re wrapping things up, looking to the future and deciding what changes we need in our lives and society. Exciting breakthroughs are possible as we stretch forward towards our future.


Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces

Wondering what 2024 has in store for you? Book a session and we’ll apply these influences to your individual chart.


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