Astrology forecast 2024 - Pisces

2024  pisces horoscope and forecast

How was 2023 for you Pisces? Particularly after March, when Saturn entered your sign? It’s possible that many of you encountered moments of both adversity and achievement. Saturn brings a reckoning moment, where hard work is rewarded, responsibilities are delegated and success is possible. It’s a phase of hard work, commitment and discipline - all things that can bring a shudder to the Piscean spine. February-born Pisceans felt this energy throughout 2023 and this year the influence expands to impact everyone born from Feb 22- March 10. 

The advice for how to handle this period is to LEAN IN. Put your big-girl pants on, pop on the rubber gloves and get scrubbing at your life. There is no escape, and I assure you that it’s is better to DO your Saturn, than have it DO you via circumstances that are out of your control. This is a 2-3 year period where you may experience delayed rewards. Have faith that all of your work is getting you someone. Perhaps you’re popping money away each week or going to the gym daily and only seeing tiny results. Once this influence ends in 2025, you’ll suddenly realise HOW MUCH PROGRESS YOU’VE MADE - and you’ll be deadset happy about all of the sacrifice you’ve made along the way. 

2024 is Neptune’s last full year in your sign. This has been a lovely influx of dreamy, spiritual energy that has impacted all of society since 2011. It’s the energy that has made astrology more popular. It’s the energy that’s had us all lounging around in comfortable pants in tasteful shades of grey. There’s a soft, pleasantness that will peak this year, particularly around July 2, when it stations at 29 degrees and 55 minutes. It is like a final hurrah of this energy that is comforting and enjoyable for all Pisceans, but especially those of you born from March 14-20. The shadow side of this energy is that you may feel a little more depleted than usual. There’s a confusion and haziness around your motivations and desires. You may feel ‘off’ and unable to muster the energy to do much at all. If you visit a doctor, they’ll probably be unable to find a definite diagnosis to your malaise. So while I DEFINITELY urge you visit your lovely Western GP to discuss your concerns, the astrological perspective would be that issues are likely to resolve, once Neptune shifts further along the Zodiac in 2025. :)

This could culminate around September 18, when we have the first eclipse back on the Pisces/Virgo axis. Expect some unusual circumstances and events around this time, particularly if you are born from March 12-18. Whatever story gets underway now is just a taster - expect more developments from later in 2025 and 2026.

Generally this is a slightly more challenging year. But fear not - it is the years that test our mettle that end up being the most memorable and that we are often the most grateful for with hindsight. 

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: April 21 - Jupiter Uranus conjunction; May 26 - Jupiter into Gemini; June 29 - Saturn retrograde; July 2 - Neptune retrograde; October 9 - Jupiter retrograde; Nov 15 - Saturn direct; Dec 7 - Neptune direct.

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


On the cusp of tomorrow -the astrology of 2024


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