2024 Astrology horoscopes - Aquarius

2024 aquarius astrology forecast and horoscope

Perhaps illustrating the complexity of the Aquarian mind, your sign has TWO ruling planets - Saturn and Uranus. Saturn is the ‘should’ planet of discipline, effort and rules. Uranus is the planet of progress, originality, and upending things. Which explains why so many Aquarians enjoy carving a unique life and set of personal rules that aligns with their particular opinions and preferences. 

2024 takes that basic need and contradiction and ramps it up a notch, with two influences adding to the intensity and call for authenticity. 

INFLUENCE ONE: Pluto stuck a toe into Aquarius from March - June 2023 and returns for good this year. Think back to pressures or story lines that may have begun at that time. Perhaps they’ve gone a bit quiet, but they WILL be reignited from late January. This is the start of a 20-year phase that will turn much of society on its head. Aquarians are well built to welcome this energy - it promises to restructure society, a move that many of you will enjoy. You want the future? Well here it is. 

Those of you born Jan 20-26 will feel this energy more acutely. The urge for personal transformation is strong and at first may feel extremely uncomfortable. Thankfully, a trine from Jupiter in early June brings a more ‘can do’ attitude. This is extremely empowering - plan business launches and important events for around this time. 

INFLUENCE TWO: One of your ruling planets, Uranus, squares off from Taurus, impacting those of your born Feb 7-22. You lot can expect to feel like your pants are on fire. You’re restless and riled up and once solid structures may be coming under review. This influence can be rash and impulsive. Embrace the urge for change, but try to stay considerate to your loved ones, who may be perfectly content with the status quo that you’re trying to upset. Communication is the key to success.

You may feel particularly lively from mid February-mid March with Venus and Mars meeting in your sign on Feb 22. This is great for dating and romance generally. Plan a special night out with your beloved. 

October is also a fun time, with a push towards socialising. You may feel more familiar and connected with people. There may also be reunions or chance catch ups with people from your past. 

The year ends on a lovely note, with Venus transiting through, adding warmth and fun to your holiday festivities. Looks like a pretty fascinating year!

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: January 21 - Pluto into Aquarius; Feb 22 - Venus conjunct Mars; June 3 - Jupiter trine Pluto; June 29 - Saturn retrograde; September 3 - Pluto back in Capricorn; Nov 15 - Saturn direct; November 20 - Pluto into Aquarius.

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


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