2024 Astrology horoscopes - Capricorn

2024 astrology preview and horoscope for capricorn

2024 starts with a bang - Mars jigs through your sector of the sky until mid-February, bringing heightened vigour and motivation to get going for the year. This is not a laze-by-a-pool holiday energy - instead pack your walking shoes and sunscreen, so that you can get outdoors to physically burn off the excess energy.

Save your New Years Resolutions for January 11 when the Capricorn New Moon at 20 degrees really kicks off your year. This is tightly squaring the nodal axis, signifying a moment of reset and reevaluation. This is a focal point for the month that has you really looking to the future and assessing whether you’re on the right path. Capricorns can get so caught up in pursuing long-term goals that they may forget to check back in with themselves regularly to ensure that the original goal is still the thing they want! This configuration is a perfect reminder to take a good hard look at what you’re aiming for. Is it still the right pathway? Is it for your higher good? Backtracking on plans can be better than sinking even more effort into attaining something you don’t actually want. Cut your losses if need be, while the year is young.

Generally the first half of the year is more supportive for you than the second. Jupiter continues its sextile aspect until May 26. This is juicy, confident energy pouring into your core self, gifting you with extra tenacity and goodwill. You’ll be cheery at work, and enthused about your focus areas. Expressing your desire may be easier than usual.

Pluto, that heavy weight that has been dangling around your neck for the past 16 years, finally departs in 2024. From Jan 21 it moves into Aquarius, where it spends most of the year. We got a preview of this energy from March - June 2023 - hopefully it was a lighter time for you, rich with potential. We can now settle into this energy more fully. However do be prepared for some personal setbacks from Sept 3 - Nov 20 when Pluto returns to Capricorn for one last farewell. This period of time is actually a fabulous opportunity to take stock of all the ways that you and your life has changed since 2007. It’s the end of this phase, so finalise any details around these personal storylines.

Finally, your ruling planet, Saturn, spends the entire year in Pisces, bringing a more emotional tone. It’s a slightly more easy-going vibe and you may find yourself somewhat drawn to more esoteric and non-material topics. It’s a lovely year for spiritual discovery and heartfelt connection to loved ones. 

Saturn is retrograde from June 29 - Nov 15, bringing a handbrake energy. This third quarter of the year does really look to be the stickiest part of the year for you. Take a ‘heads down, bums up’ approach and it’ll fly past in a flash before the holiday season brings a fresh take and bit of rest before 2025.

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: January 21 - Pluto into Aquarius; June 29 - Saturn retrograde; September 3 - Pluto back in Capricorn; Nov 15 - Saturn direct; November 20 - Pluto into Aquarius.

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


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