2024 Astrology horoscopes - Sagittarius

sagittarius astrology horoscope and forecast for 2024

Sagittarius, you have been scooting through the tricky stars of recent years with aplomb. Your usual lucky streak has kept you strong, and 2024 is a bit of a continuation of this theme. But would I recommend you buy a lottery ticket this year? Probably not. It’s not a brilliant year, but it’s also far from a shocker. Let’s dive in…

Not much is happening in your part of the zodiac right now, so the bulk of Sag energy is coming from your ruling planet, Jupiter. Its been languishing in the sign of Taurus since May 2023. Have a think about your life since then. Perhaps you’ve been having a fine old time, but it may be that comfort and laziness have been winning and your procrastination game has been strong. Perhaps you have good intentions about all the things you were going to get done but circumstances have pushed you in a different direction. Whatever it is, it’s likely that you’re off track or under the doona in some way, rather than being out in the world living your typical Sagittarian life. 

If this is true for you, then you can expect a continuation of this energy for the first few months of 2024. Life may feel lush and you may be demotivated, but still quite content with your lot. As the year goes on, your agitation may grow. By late April, you can expect to be nearly jumping out of your skin as you realise that you’ve taken your eyes off the prize and now life is getting away from you. Perhaps I’ll use the frog in boiling water analogy. You’ve been happily sat, enjoying the warmth, but now your surroundings are getting decidedly uncomfortable. 

Luckily the shake up comes in late May, with the Jupiter shift into Gemini. This lively sign is opposite your own and ensures that the second half of the year has a completely different tone. Things perk up considerably. In fact, things may speed up in an alarming way! It’s a hyperactive type of vibe, where you’re chatting and doing and going and thinking and life may start to trip over itself in an enthusiastic tumble. The trick will be to negotiate this tone-shift with patience and grace. Bringing self-awareness to the situation should definitely help you to calm down over the winter months.

Everyone will get the chance to redo and reset on October 9 with the annual Jupiter retrograde. This gives a chance to pause and pick up the pieces/broken plates/unfinished emails. 

The main problem for Sagittarius this year is the ongoing square from Saturn over in Pisces. This year it impacts those of you born from Nov 26-Dec 11. This is a draining type of vibe - a sense of not quite being able to get all your pieces in place for life to feel triumphant. Something is working against you and the constant sense of bashing your head again a brick wall may be wearing. Watch for health problems and a sense of burn out, particularly around late June. Generally though, it’s a good year, with plenty of richness coming your way.

DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: April 21 - Jupiter conjunct Uranus; May 26 - Jupiter shifts into Gemini; Early June - powerful Jupiter/Pluto trines; October 9 - Jupiter retrograde.

Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces


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