Taurus 2023 horoscope

Taurus 2023 horoscope

What do Selma Hayek, Emily Ratajkowski and Madonna have in common? They all have a certain va-va-voom that people notice when they enter a room. They take up attention, which could be related to their shared placement of Venus in Leo.

Why is this relevant to you, Taurus? Well, Venus rules your sign, and in 2023 it spends an unusually long time in Leo, passing onto you some of those charismatic vibes. By Winter 2023, life could feel particularly fun… but I’m getting ahead of myself! Let’s back up to January…

Generally Taureans have been copping it over recent years. Those of you born April 20 - May 4 have already born the brunt of Uranus transiting over your Sun, bringing upheaval and an unnerving inner revolution in your life. Old patterns have been broken, and it’s been a psychologically intense time. If life still feels in flux, you can relax - this year brings some new purpose and everything should fall nicely into place. Although it’s likely that you’ll be needing to create your opportunities, rather than have them land into your lap.

Taureans born between May 5-15 are in for an INTERESTING year ahead. While all of you will feel these influences to some extent, it’s the mid-May people who’ll be at the pointy end of things throughout 2023.

The positive side of this energy is sudden inspiration, a sense of being liberated from stale, old ways of doing things and insights into the truth of who you are and what you need to do with your future. The negative side of this is issues around how to manage these rebellious urges. How do you up-end one part of your life without causing too much collateral damage. You’re in classic ‘don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater’ territory.

As the Lunar North Node finishes its transit through Taurus, many of you can expect to finally sort through any mess and arrive at new, more authentic plans for your future. There’s a settling of energy and sense of everything being put into place. 

Late Taurus people can welcome this energy in a more directed way - you already have a sense that change is needed, and in 2023 you’re able to integrate it more smoothly. You’re in charge.

Jupiter moves into your sign on May 17 and life feels more juicy and fun for the coming 12 months. Your mojo and optimism return - new opportunities could turn up in all sorts of places and life might feel effortless with everything you touch turning into gold. Remember to not scoot over details or make assumptions around success - the potential for great rewards is there right now, but you’ll need to put in the work. Generally though, this is a truly fabulous influence.

From Jun 20 until Oct 7, Venus is involved in the various parts of its retrograde cycle, all in Leo. And this is where all of those sexy celebs come in. It’s a more outlandish, attention seeking, warm and generous vibe. Romance is entirely possible, particularly with someone that you already know. Early July in particular is STEAMY, and could feel quite fated. Mid August might offer up a surprising and unexpected chapter to this story.

While things calm a little by September, you’ll remain entirely enthusiastic about whatever your new passion is. But other people may not really ‘get it’, so be prepared for some friendly interventions. Try not to be offended, or too pig-headed. It is possible that any new relationship or situation will be tested after mid October when Venus moves into Virgo. 

Expect some testing times in November during Scorpio season when a scenario heats up and can’t be ignored. There is a brief moment in the month when you feel incredibly empowered. The focus might be on big financial gains and this could be the continuation or completion of a story that began back in mid May.

Overall you’ll end the year feeling more purposeful and committed to yourself and your dreams. 

In a nutshell: Write that intention list for 2023 - there’s good energy for making it a reality.



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