Gemini 2023 horoscope

Gemini 2023 horoscope


Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of ideas, communication and intellect. 2023 begins and ends with this planet retrograde - a neat chapter break that may gift you with a significant year-long story ‘arc’. 

The first quarter of 2023 is a ‘clean up’ of issues that have been lingering since 2022. Back in August, Mars entered your sign and the darn lump hasn’t left yet. This adds fire and spice but since October it may have been causing a series of frustrations or a sense of not getting enough clear air around you to feel fully in charge of your destiny. It’s possible that the added fire in your belly has made you crankier and more tempestuous than usual, leading to arguments, sexual frustration and the sensation that life is fighting you. As the year starts, it’s time to milk the last ‘good’ out of this phase by investigating these irritations and trying to figure out WHY they’re happening - WHAT have you been avoiding? WHAT have you been too scared to do? WHAT do you need to think over more?

The combined Mars and Mercury retrogrades on New Year’s Eve give a strong dose of reality and ambition. It’s perfect for setting viable resolutions for 2023. This year feels important - you want to achieve stuff and make true transformative change in at least one area of your life. 

Thankfully from mid January, there should be breakthroughs that put you back on track and by the end of March, many of the problems should sort themselves out. Finally you’ll locate that stone in your shoe and be able to remove it! 

Feb 10-12 offers the perfect chance to revisit plans, to focus all of your thinking on how to make the change you need in order to create maximum impact for the rest of your year. Try to have your thoughts and goals clearly ordered by then.

An ongoing square between Mars and Neptune may have felt depleting - especially for those of you born Jun 9-17. Thankfully the last hit of this energy is Mar 10-12, which contributes to the sense of life clearing up and getting back underway.

Big zeitgeist shifts will be occurring in society from March as Saturn and Pluto both change signs, heralding a new astrological phase. It’s a mixed bag for Gemini. Pluto in Aquarius will be incredibly powerful for those of you born in May. It’s a preview time - pay lots of attention to what’s happening around you from Mar 24 - Jun 12. Stories and events now will be showing you what will unfold more extensively from 2024. 

Saturn in Pisces is more challenging. It’s a softer energy that could lead to second guessing yourself, a bit of anxiety and possible self-sabotage. The challenge being laid down is for you to step up and take charge of something. Seek responsibility. Implement humility and a willingness to compromise with others. There could be almost spiritual levels of insight that provide helpful building blocks for your future. Some solitude and quiet moments could be beneficial. Escape into art, singing and meditation. Try to stay objective and avoid self pity.

At the same time (Mar - Apr), Venus tracks through Gemini and this is peak time for lurvvvv. Relationships of all kind will be in the spotlight. Go on that date! Enjoy that party!

Your birthday month looks clear and focused. There’s an ambitious vibe, with the need to ground your ideas into touchable, material outcomes. You might focus on upgrading your home or wardrobe. 

Continuing the constructive vibes, Jupiter will be transiting through Aries all the way up to May 17, bringing opportunities and help. While there looks to be some challenges, there’s also a strong air of possibility, with potential for progress in all areas of your life. You’ll enjoy feeling energised and peppy with this energy about.

Life definitely settles down from mid May. The second half of 2023 is more low-key with less notable stuff for me to report. October has some lovely moments with a focus on socialising and enjoying yourself. Plan parties for then! 

A nodal shift mid-year is good news for you. You’ll enjoy a sextile and trine aspect as the year goes on, which boosts your potential and flow. Revelations or turning points that occurred 3-5 years ago will be back in the spotlight. If you’ve drifted off course then this will get you back on track. Late Gemini people will experience this energy first.

The lead up to Christmas shows some potential tension in relationships. If you’re born June 10-19, it’s possible that you finish the year reassessing your relationship, pondering its future. This is the closing Mercury retrograde, tied in with Venus and squaring Neptune. Don’t let yourself get carried away with ‘what if I’d…’ thinking or unrealistic dreams of what your relationships should look like. Instead, settle into the romance and love, reflect on your blessings and enjoy a joyful end to 2023.

In a nutshell: Action packed, productive year - busier before June. Calmer than 2022.



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