Cancer 2023 horoscope

Cancer 2023 horoscope

This year can be divided into three phases for you, Cancer. The first period is from January to late March, another from March to mid June and then the rest of the year trundles along in an interesting manner as a 15-year influence wraps up. Let’s dive in!

January to late March can be called the ‘stone in my shoe’ phase. There’a an irritation nearby. Something has been bugging you since August 2022 - especially since mid October when Mars went retrograde. Its seven-month journey through a sign adjacent to yours isn’t great news - it’s so close, but yet its energy and fire is out of reach to you. Perhaps there’s a project that just won’t complete or an opportunity that just won’t come to fruition. It’s like a big, annoying thigh chaff after a day in damp boardies.

From March 26, that all changes. Mars finally enters your sign for two months and let’s hope that it’s like a lovely big orgasm after way too much foreplay. Be prepared for things to finally be actioned. This may include some heated moments as you force outcomes and give life a bit of a kick up the bum. If you’ve been feeling detached, or aloof with your family, this is a nice time to reconnect with loved ones and to be more present.

Simultaneously you’ll be enjoying a rest from Pluto’s ongoing opposition to your sign. Since right back to 2007, the intensity of this minor planet has been slowly forcing a full transformation of yourself in some way. Most likely to be involving significant others, it’s possible that your life looks completely different now than it did back then. A Pluto opposition is such a slow transit that you’ve probably acclimatised to the ongoing stress and exhaustion, and its your new normal, but FINALLY you get relief from this between March 24 - June 12. This is a taster of how life will be from 2024. Use these months to get some perspective and rest up.

Pluto dips back into Capricorn for its final stint in the second half of the year and you might have one last curtain call on issues with a partner - perhaps there’ll be power plays that have been ongoing for up to 15 years. The good news is that the new perspective may gift you the chance to clarify and finish up these stories in some way. Avoid holding grudges over events in recent years and you may find yourself in a fresh, calmer phase of your marriage or business partnership.

The theme of ‘Endings’ in all its forms is highlighted on May 15 with the Lunar Eclipse bringing a fated element to situations. This should be really welcome and the energy lingers for several months. This is particularly relevant for those of you born July 4-11. 

Lunar eclipses can be a clearing out of outdated things, which leaves space for the new, and this could be a fantastic time for you to tap into your natural gifts. Use your natural compassion and emotional approach to your advantage. Bring tenderness and decisiveness to a process. It’s a good time to start projects, including implementing new financial priorities and savings goals.

A second Lunar Eclipse on October 28 brings helpful energy, particularly for those of you born June 24-30. Uranus is fairly tightly involved with this one, so there could be an element of change and of doing things differently. It could feel downright liberating and it sets you on track for an exciting end of the year. 

Also piling into the energetic influences, you’ll be experiencing the shift of Saturn into Pisces which is ongoing from March. This feels like it could have two outcomes for you. 1. It’s a reckoning time, testing the structure of some part of who you are. Perhaps there’s a reality check underway. 2. There’s a loss of structure or boundaries or something is taking on its own form. Perhaps a job or venture starts to take on a real life of its own.

In a nutshell: Irritations fade and mid year gives a glimpse of a new era that dawns early 2024.



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