Leo 2023 horoscope

Leo 2023 horoscope

2023 starts looking pretty darn fabulous, Leo folks. Jupiter has snuck back into fellow fire sign, Aries, and brings you gifts of energy, opportunity and luck. The free-flowing trine energy is lovely for MAKING SH*T HAPPEN. It’s the reinforcement that your confidence and leadership needs to smash through something. You’re like a busker, jugging balls and amazing the crowd. You get people to toss in extra objects to increase the juggling challenge - you’ve totally got this! Toss in work projects - add in some travel - increase the pressure! There’s the sense that nothing can really go wrong for the first part of the year.

A solar eclipse on April 20 at 29 deg, 50’ of Aries, has a ‘beginning of the end’ type of vibe and should herald a new phase. Those of you born after Aug 18 will feel this one the most strongly. Make the most of this burst of fire energy to complete ongoing projects. Any big changes made now are likely to have a short life span. Perhaps wait to change jobs or take on anything big until later in the year.

Like everyone, you’ll feel the ground beneath you start to shift a little as power planets Saturn and Pluto ingress into new signs in late March. Perhaps you start to get the feeling like you’re being watched. Your juggling crowd has thrown in all their balls and now they’re staring intently, scrutinising your technique, waiting for you to make a mistake and bring on a calamity. The added surveillance could be enough to bring on a wobble. 

Possibly you’ll decide to quit the juggling gig and head off on a new direction. It’s a liberating energy that may see you throwing off the shackles of some kind and taking a more eccentric path. Perhaps keep an eye out for these urges between late March and mid June. There could be clues here about projects that might eventuate more in 2024. 

Once Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 17, life might feel like it’s slowing down - the cogs starting to catch and things not coming quite as easily as they did earlier in the year. It’s more of a headbutt energy - projects may get bogged down and/or circumstances around you could prove frustrating. Best course of action is to just go with it - try to keep flexible and understand that you may not have the answer to everything. 

Make the most of the new pace, create a little consolation prize for yourself and set aside more time for self-indulgence. The second half of the year is great for planning visits to feel-good destinations - think cooking or food adventures or trips to spa or pampering type venues. 

Life might ‘crunch’ a little when Pluto dips back into Cancer from June and then squares the nodes in July. This signals the final chance to realign with your higher purpose. Revisit and reacquaint yourself with resolutions and intentions made about 4-5 years ago. This is likely around issues of personal growth. Check in and make sure you’re on track. There is the chance now for big changes to be undertaken that redirect you back towards becoming the best version of yourself possible.

The biggest news for Leo this year is a hefty does of Venus. You get several months of the LUUURRRRVVVVV planet stopping by and relationships and creative projects of all kinds will be in focus. Retrograde between Jul 24 - Sep 5, this could see you picking up old projects, reuniting with old lovers or just feeling really damn good about yourself. Enjoy this period - it’s lovely, but as with all retrograde periods, anything started now will be tested afterwards, and flimsy ideas and romances are likely to fade out. 

You’re likely to bounce back quickly from any disappointment - a solar eclipse on October 14 brings helpful energy that is social and creative. It’s a lovely vibe for following a passion. Been thinking of performing in a play, or joining a new social group? Things should flow quite naturally and feel really satisfying.

In a nutshell: A fabulous year for nearly everything! Enjoy.



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