Virgo 2023 horoscope
This year is a lovely mix of calm and action for Virgos with interesting events and happenings stopping life from being boring. At times it may feel as though you’re not in the driver’s seat as circumstances and relationships inform your 2023 plot line. As fun as it is to be your own story’s hero, you may find yourself working as support crew, negotiating solutions and copping a bit of push back from those you love most.
With Mars Retrograde squaring your sign since last October, you may be finishing 2022 with a sense of things just not quite falling into place yet. Something about a situation may have been causing ongoing frustration and confusion, with people’s motivation’s a little unclear or perhaps you’re having trouble really defining exactly what it is that YOU want to do in response. While this should settle down from March, it may leave a slightly deflated vibe as we roll into Autumn.
All Virgos will be impacted by Saturn’s journey through Pisces (your opposing sign) that starts in March and continues for the next couple of years. Those of you born in August will be impacted the most strongly throughout 2023. You might be feeling a bit low energy or discouraged about something. Perhaps other people could be letting you down. Relationships may feel draining or inhibiting and life might seem littered with dead ends.
The way to negotiate this inevitable part of the Saturn cycle is to understand that any feelings of being burdened or worn down, will pass. Take really good care of yourself, harness all the patience you can muster and understand that all obstacles assist us in maturing to the next stage of wisdom.
Basically - don’t fight it, just go with the flow.
What makes this influence more unsettled is the ongoing Neptune in Pisces influence that has already been making life a little more fluid than usual. Those of you born between Sep 14-22 will feel this in 2023. Again, there’s a depletion involved, with your vitality impacted. You will need to nurture yourself whenever you’re feeling tired. Be kind to yourself and set a strong schedule of self care. As a side note, you may feel more sensitive to drugs (both illegal and prescription) and alcohol this year - it could be best to avoid them altogether.
The advice I give with Neptune transits is to court a little healthy suspicion of others and their motives. Put together a wise council of trusted, long-time friends who you can thrash things out with. Ask their opinions and listen to what they say! It’s possible that your own bullsh*t detector is a bit off. Your usually excellent judgement may be a bit impeded - you may be a little too trusting and easily deceived.
With both Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, you really need to watch for scams.
The plus side is that your spiritual life can blossom under this transit. You’re gifted with perspective that opens your mind and there can be an influx of energy that lifts you out of the mundane and helps you to understand the magic that is all around us. Saturn in Pisces gives us the discipline we need to apply ourself to spiritual and creative ventures. You’ll be able to meditate daily or make it to yoga class more regularly. It’s a great year to learn a musical instrument. The cumulative benefits of applying yourself consistently will be enormous.
Supporting this, is Jupiter’s shift into Taurus in May - the start of a 12-month period that supports you and is helpful for bringing material opportunities. It is focused on your senses and skills. It’s a great time to take up pottery, increase your recipe repertoire, start a major craft project or leap into a challenging new job.
Those of your born later in September also benefit from Pluto’s final gasp in Capricorn over the second half of the year. This is an empowering chance to make significant inroads towards your goals.
Another fabulous gift is Mercury, your ruling planet, hanging out in Virgo for over two months from late July to early October. This is you at your Virgo best - planning, editing, analysing, DOING. The retrograde from Aug 23 - Sep 15 gives extra abilities for ironing out difficulties and details.
Uranus also trines your sign this year - most strongly impacting those of you born September 6-17. This is a significant and helpful ability to harness inner urges for liberation and get yourself out of situations that have become stifling or that you’ve been sticking with purely out of obligation.
Enjoy a sweet patch between Oct 10 - Nov 9, when Venus brings some lovely energy for connecting with friends and having special moments with partners. New relationships are possible now.
In a nutshell: Energy levels may be an issue during a generally calm year. Expect surprising moments of progress and empowerment.