Libra 2023 horoscope

Libra 2023 horoscope

There’s a fired up year ahead Libra - a chance to spread your wings and fly high as strong influences from Aries and Leo kickstart your confidence and increase your autonomy. There are challenges to hunt down and conquer! Let’s take a look…

From Dec 2022, you’ll benefit from Jupiter scooting through Aries. We had a preview of this energy in mid 2022, so any projects from that time can be picked back up, with a greater chance of success. 

Jupiter is a planet of growth, opportunities and potential. She encourages the culmination of something, and in your opposite sign, we could be looking at a marriage or the levelling up of a new relationship. Business partnerships also benefit under these stars.

Until mid-May, a new faith in life takes hold - you may experience a bigger-than-usual push to get what you want. Perhaps you’re being a bit more bossy and more willing to assert yourself into the world. It’s a lovely, confident patch focused on setting and attaining goals and initiating new projects.

People in your circle might be more used to the agreeable, eager-to-please you, and they might be confronted by this new, forthright version. Tension might be present, and clashes are possible with bosses or authority figures. Stand your ground.

This sense of empowerment is highlighted with Pluto shifting into fellow Air Sign, Aquarius, between Mar 24 - Jun 12. Again we’re dealing with topics of fundamental and foundational power. It’s a new ability to express yourself effectively. There’s an ability to go after what you want and a touch of ruthlessness may sneak into your decision making. Physically you’ll feel invincible - fitness, sport and competition may prove satisfying. Those of you born Sep 23-26 will particularly benefit from this energy.

July is the tensest month of the year with the South Node entering your sign, and squaring off against Pluto. Particularly for those of you born later in October, it’s a bit of a pivot point. A sense that decisions need to be made, and circumstances may be forcing you to let something go. Perhaps new opportunities are showing up, forcing you to reconsider existing goals or ambitions. You may be happier to step out of some of the more conservative or traditional frameworks of your past.

Venus rules your sign, and this delightful planet (ruler of pleasures, aesthetics and relating) moves into Leo on June 6 and stays there until October 10 - three months longer than usual. There’s a retrograde from Jul 24 - Sep 5 that digs down into issues of relating, creativity and love. 

We can expect these months to be sexy, heated and fun. There’s parties and new projects, more independence for you, a willingness to take creative risks and push forward in relationships. Romance obviously takes centre stage, but with the retrograde we could experience some of the darker sides of love. Love and hate are close mates, so expect this period to provide breakthroughs that fine tune your personal values and desires. Venus has a strong 8-year cycle, so this may be a repeat of themes from 2015. Remember back for clues to see how this energy may manifest in your life in 2023.

October 14 is the solar eclipse at 21 degrees Libra - the first in a cycle of eclipses over the next couple of years. Those of you born Oct 9-20 may feel this one with it picking up Chiron opposing your sign. This may highlight some ongoing challenge or little inner weakness that has been niggling away for a year or so. You may feel vulnerable at this time - especially as Venus shifts into Virgo. Take time to work through any personal issues that come up. Librans often do well with reiki, chakra, crystals or talk therapy.

The plus side is that this eclipse marks a starting point - a chance to have a fresh go at something. If you’re after a new job or a more enjoyable work situation then this might signal the start of those changes.

In a nutshell: Assertion is key, and challenge from others may motivate you to step forward to create the changes you want.



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