Scorpio 2023 horoscope

Scorpio 2023 horoscope

2023 introduces several larger energetic shifts that bring increasing benefit to all Scorpios. Uranus stays, but the South Node buggers off, Pluto and Saturn moves signs in March and a couple of lunar eclipses help you to underline something before closing a chapter. Let’s dive in!…

Uranus continues its seven-year journey through Taurus, your opposing sign. Those of your born from Nov 7-19 are in its sights throughout 2023. Unexpected challenges could arrive, or circumstances could continue to shift due to the choices of those around you. It could be bosses or parents causing disruption. 

A fight or flight response may kick in which could be negative and unhelpful. Try to keep enough perspective to see if your response is fair and appropriate. Are you fighting for what you truly believe in, or just holding onto outdated beliefs that you can easily let go of? 

Any big-picture shifts that arise this year should be viewed as a fresh chance for authentic self-expression. There may be less to fear than you initially think. If you’re feeling pressure to evolve within relationships, try to embrace the change and see where it takes you. Maintain a spirit of discovery! Easier said than done for a Scorpio.

Any problems and frustrations that have remained since the second half of 2022 can be slowly untangled over the first quarter of the year. After March 26 these may dissolve completely. After several months of being stuck or feeling that your efforts weren’t being recognised or rewarded this new period of feeling emotionally and physically strong should be particularly amazing.

Between now and July, those of you born between Oct 22- Nov 5 get the chance to rid yourself fo everything you’ve outgrown and discard the situations and relationships that are no longer serving you. There could be some upsetting moments during this process as you detach from something, but generally it’s a positive influence that may feel like a relief after 18 months of tension and upheaval. Again, the focus may be relationships, but it could also be an end to financial problems. Adios and good riddance!

Early Scorpios get a taster of a bigger influence when Pluto ingresses into Aquarius in late March. This is a two-month preview of themes that will land more permanently in 2024. Pay attention to what comes up - it’s a feeling of pressure with power pays and control issues in the spotlight. It may repeatedly pop up in the areas of life where you’re involved with groups of people - work, family and friends could all be the focus.

April has an exasperating tone, but a lovely new twelve-month cycle gets underway from May, when Jupiter shares its positive vibes from across the zodiac. Genuine opportunities could be on offer - although it may be up to you to go looking for them (don’t sit on the couch waiting for them to land in your lap). New people could appear that bring a fated type of help. New associates might really ‘get you’ and it’ll be lovely to feel the momentum turning in your favour.

With so much going well, it may be tempting to get a bit bossy - try to stay grounded in reality and realise that there’s always benefits in listening to others.

Also underway from March for a couple of years, Saturn’s move into Pisces works really well for you. Combined with Jupiter, it shows that 2023 is a positive and helpful year where you can manifest your dreams. The stage is set for achievement and you’ll have the focus and discipline to chip away at tasks and goals. The next time you look up, big inroads will have been made towards attaining something important. Hard work is involved but it should feel worthwhile and purposeful.

2023 contains two eclipses that could deliver some jolts of wildcard energy.

The first is a lunar eclipse on May 5 that impacts those of you born Nov 4-12 (or anyone with planets around 15 degrees). This is tense, with a culmination of issues that may have been problematic since March. Hopefully this manifests as some kind of breakthrough energy. Hopefully you’re putting an end to something that hasn’t been working to your favour. This is the perfect time to put your foot down and say ‘ENOUGH!’

A second eclipse on October 28 impacts all of you born before Nov 8. It’s fired up and seeking action. You’ll feel like there’s a firecracker in your pants and the energy could be focused on career, goals and bigger life aspirations. Expect some changes in these areas.

The year wraps up with clear skies and a visit from Venus, which is a lovely way to connect with loved ones after a year that looks to be highly significant.

In a nutshell: A big ticket year, with blessings and opportunities within your grasp. Stay humble, work hard and good things will come.



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