Sagittarius 2023 horoscope

Sagittarius 2023 horoscope

Dear Sag, have you been feeling a bit cranky over recent months? Finding yourself bickering or getting involved in disputes or confrontations? You have been the victim of Mars Retrograde in your opposing sign of Gemini. The energy has really been playing with you, stirring up a sense of dissatisfaction and frustration as obstacles (often people) block your path and trip you up. No wonder you’re crotchety! 

Since last August, there’s been an influx of energy - perhaps it’s manifested physically in inflammatory ailments, perhaps you’ve been more accident prone than usual or perhaps you’ve had a positive experience of this energy, managing to bring something challenging to fruition. Whatever the impact, all of this influence settles down in mid January and should resolve by March once Mars moves into Cancer. Hopefully by then, any annoying, chronic, heated themes will finish up for a while.

Your ruling planet, Jupiter, slices the year into two halves - spending the first 5 months in Aries, before tootling over into Taurus for the rest of the year. Expect life to feel pacy and exciting in the first half, slowing somewhat for the second. Taurus is a fixed, Earth sign, so you may find yourself adopting some of those values - a flush of sensuality and enjoyment of languishing in physical sensation. 

There’s a bit of a baton pass mid-year, with the Aries energy fading, but Leo taking prominence, with a four month transit of Venus dominating our skies. Any positive action in fellow fire signs is good news for you - they link to you via ‘trine’ aspect, benefiting you enormously. Earlier in the year, expect good prospects for work and new ventures. Personal vitality and socialising is assisted by both influences, but the Leo patch is more promising for romance, renewing friendships and creative projects. It’s a great time to join people who share a hobby or passion. Catch up with old friends and enjoy the warmth of laughs and camaraderie. 

Aries features again later in the year when the North Node shifts there. This is also helpful with a focus on pursuing pathways that attune with your higher purpose. It’s possible that you’ll receive invitations or opportunities that seem scary in their challenge, but also irresistible to pursue. Really trust your gut instincts after July - you’ll know the right way to go (spoiler - the answer will be to take the challenge). While all of you may notice this energy, those Saggies born from Dec 13-21 will be most heavily impacted.

Saturn’s shift into Pisces on March 8 brings some challenges over the next couple of years. There may be reckoning points, a testing of idealistic ventures that originated under recent Neptune transits. You may find yourself having some unpleasant reality checks and needing to tweak plans, to encourage a more practical, viable outcome. This may be tied in with irritations at work or issues with an authority figure. Father-figures may be problematic.

Part of the challenge may be the sense that life goalposts are constantly moving and the whole darn stadium might be feeling a bit shaky. The universe is daring you to really dig in and find stability within uncertainty. Be consistent and steady. Assess your situation and make decisive actions around what is good and what isn’t. This unfolds slowly over several months this year and is a test to your ‘mutability’ - Sag can be a bit flakey - you’re being asked to stay strong and dedicated.

This should be assisted beautifully by Pluto’s ingress into Aquarius between late Mar - early June. Sextile to Sag, this is empowering for all of you born between lates Nov - Early Dec, with the November-born folks benefiting the most. This is a subtle, creative, and original energy that brings innovative ideas with a touch of daring. It should nicely overcome any lack of confidence (caused by Saturn). Areas worth exploring include spiritual topics, volunteering or creative projects such as photography or movie making. Sounds fun, right!

Pay attention in mid May - there’s a greediness to your desires around now. Keep buddhist books by your bed for a daily reminder that ‘desire is suffering’. It passes quickly.

The year ends on a high, with Mars, Venus and Mercury all in your sign. There’s the promise of a fun, lively end of year celebration, filled with contemplation and gratitude. Enjoy.

In a nutshell: A great year, with fire-sign vibes bringing opportunity for growth, amidst the Saturn challenge.



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