The astrology of the Drake/Kendrick beef

I’ll admit that I had to do some googlin’ to find out about the whole Drake/Kendrick Lamar BEEF. Rap has never been my genre, but the story is pretty engaging, in its direct, vicious, righteous nature PLUS we have reliable birth times for both players, so lets dive into them and their synastry.

Drake is born with a water-heavy chart - Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter all in water signs. He is emotions formed into a human, ruled by a last degree Leo Ascendent which makes the Sun his chart ruler. The Sun sits in the first degree of Scorpio - and the first degree can emphasise the qualities of a sign, so we can assume that Drake carries around strong Scorpionic traits - intensity, emotion, a need for privacy, a long memory and a love of vengeance when he’s wronged.

Kendrick conforms to a very common chart signature for rappers - planets in Gemini. The ability to communicate and share ideas with wit and rhymes is a perfect fit. Inspiring this in the background is… you guessed it… a heavy dose of planets in water signs - a nifty group of Mercury (ideas/communication), Mars (assertion/action) and the Part of Fortune (a fated place of good luck and success). which all trines (easy flow) his Moon in Pisces, which is an overwhelmingly watery placement that shows up with people who have enormous empathy, emotions and very little protecting their sensitive souls from the outside world. Adding to it all, Kendrick has his Jupiter in Aries on the Descendant. This gives a strong moral code that he would feel the need to FIGHT for. It’s potentially preachy, with a strong need to be ‘right’.

When looking at synastry, the standard process is to assess each chart individually, then put them together to see the connection points, how they assist and/or hinder the other.

Mr Drake and Mr Lamar have Suns that don’t speak to each other. Gemini v. Scorpio is not a great match, however incompatible Sunsigns are a factor that people can easily overcome if enough else is flowing well between them. And there’s a bunch of easy contacts between these two - showing that THERE IS A RELATIONSHIP OF SIGNIFICANCE. It’s amazing how often charts have very little connection - just think of all the people you know who you don’t understand, aren’t interested by or barely even notice. But look at all the blue and red lines in the middle of this bi-wheel - these men NOTICE each other.

Often this much contact would be good, even with mismatched Suns. HOWEVER, many of the contacts are between their WATER planets. Mr Drake’s Moon taps into Mr Kendrick’s Cancer grouping and also trines his Moon. Drake’s Jupiter is softer in Pisces - it’s a much more ‘live and let live’ placement, but with so much Water, and a focus on Scorpio planets, Drake is not the sort to let things rest. He is easily hurt and very sensitive to criticism. He’ll be private about it, but he’ll be fuming and plotting quietly. This feud could go on for AGES.

Which might be good for lovers of revenge rap, but slightly tedious for the rest of us.

What this synastry does illustrate is how relationships can often work best between people with balancing qualities in their charts. There’s too much water here, too much emotion, too much sensitivity, too much hurt feelings and lack of control. Sometimes we need people who bring the qualities that our own chart lacks.


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