Virgo Full Moon

Virgo Full Moon

Pisces and Virgo are the focus this week, with Tuesday's Virgo Full Moon (11.40pm AEDT) happening WITHIN AN HOUR of Saturn's transit into Pisces. Given that Saturn only changes sign once every three years or so, this is a BIG DEAL. 

It’s as if the Full Moon is the cute little page boy, dropping petals down the aisle before the bride makes her grand entrance. Or Oprah, hyping the audience before a makeover big reveal. Here it is folks! We’ve never seen this before! Give it up for…. SATURN IN PISCES! 

And then, BAM, 56 minutes later, Saturn arrives into Pisces where it will hang around until Feb 2026. If you have planets or points in Pisces, expect the next few years to offer up opportunities to work hard, commit to something and take on responsibilities. There could be some obstacles and frustrations along the way - testing your focus and stamina. Saturn offers challenge AND reward. 

When in doubt, during a Saturn transit, the answer is ALWAYS to work harder. Sounds boring? Sure. But ask any Olympic gold medalist, any bestselling novelist or any broadway star, “how did you get here?”, and they’re NOT going to say “by sitting on the couch and procrastinating”. They’re going to pontificate about personal commitment, sacrifice and effort.

So this week’s Full Moon is the taster. The cute little prelude that will highlight topics that may play out more for you over coming years. Here’s some Virgo/Pisces themes…

  • How much should you analyse situations rather than accept them?

  • Do you need all the facts in order to believe something?

  • Where are your personal boundaries within relationships? And how much will you do for someone?

  • How do your spiritual beliefs manifest in your practical world?

  • How can you bring some organisation to the chaotic areas of your life? 

For those of us of a certain vintage, think back to events in May 1993. Saturn is at this same degree and themes may repeat. The joy of astrology is that this time we can enter this period consciously, prepared to co-create with the energy around us. Ride Saturn, don’t let it ride you.

And remember - I offer full personal consultations - book a session to discover EXACTLY what Saturn’s new phase means for you.

Special mentions:

Jupiter, Chiron and Venus continue to offer deep insights and self development opportunities. Take a moment to look within to discover fresh ways to heal old wounds. Don’t brush aside self-doubt, dive into it to see if you can fix the cause, not the symptom.

Breakthroughs are possible this week as you experience an Oprah-style ‘a-ha’ moment around Tuesday. Grab a pen and write it all down - the energy is good for planning and making lists, which may give you some reassurance around a situation that currently has you feeling unsettled.

Physical exhaustion from the ongoing balance between work and family may dominate this week. Be kind and practice self-care. This theme is going to be highlighted in coming years, so it’s worth taking time to implement any ongoing regime that you find soothing. Think meditation, swimming or music - anything deeply personal that brings you joy.

See above. This week really is all about you.


Saturn is in Pisces until 2025!


Full horoscopes for March 1-8