Full horoscopes for March 1-8

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March is a BIG astrological month - and it kicks off with a Venus/Jupiter/Chiron conjunction that promises insights and special moments of connection. Here’s how each of the signs can benefit…

Any frustrations dating back to may October have eased - but you’re still not back to your usual go-get-em, physical ways. All the activity is in your brain, and this quagmire of thinking may have you exhausted and struggling to see a clear path forward. Thankfully, this week’s helpful planetary combo is a direct hit - particularly if you’re born March 29-April 10. You can look forward to beneficial life breakthroughs and turning points. You’ll feel more like your usual self with any self-confidence issues fading. Relationships will feel blessed (great energy for date nights!) and opportunities for fun should arise. Try to relax and find some pleasure. In this flow state, your busy brain may suddenly have a breakthrough that’s full of wisdom and clarity.

You may have ants in your pants this week and an urge to expand your world. Make the most of the self-starting vibe and get onto any tasks or projects that you’ve been procrastinating about. Your confidence levels may be higher than usual and it’s the perfect week to plan and book travel - try an overseas destination that makes you both curious and nervous. Be daring! It just may provide a break from your usual routine, bringing personal insights and growth that leave you feeling amazing.

This week offers a chance to spread your wings and chase down some new adventures. You’ve still got fiery Mars egging you on, so capitalise on the added physical energy and go out and pick up a new skill or hobby. Focus on sports or activities that you’ve always assumed you’re no good at. It’s important to pick something that brings you face to face with your vulnerable side. You may be surprised to discover that a bit of positive self-talk is all you need to make a significant breakthrough.

There’s a challenge to take charge of something this week. A situation that you thought was dead in the water re-emerges and offers you a second chance. What will you do? Do you need to change your approach? What have you learned? Circle for a second time and apply fresh wisdom. This could apply to anything career related, or even having a fresh stab at a relationship. Don’t just blindly re-enter and assume that all will be different - if you want something to change, change something! Have another go.

Life may feel pretty easy this week, as something whooshes in and gifts you a good time. It could be friends offering laughs or a spicy encounter with someone special. You’re more relaxed than usual, which leaves you free to receive and enjoy the energy of others - which is a nice change for someone who’s used to creating excitement for others.

Soz Virgos, but you probably have the least to gain from this week’s juicy energy. Benefit second hand, by feeding off the good moods of those around you. Force yourself to socialise and do something fun, even if you don’t feel like it. It’ll be a nice distraction for your busy mind which is preoccupied with practical details and wrapping up an ongoing project.

There’s joy in this week’s skies for you, Libra. Your ruler, Venus, is in the thick of it, feeling more fired up and inspired than usual. You can benefit from greater direction and a sense that something truly meaningful is possible. Social engagements could lead you to individuals who will bring deep insights. How? Well, something about them, mirrors something in you. And sometimes we need that kind of perspective in order to see something about ourselves clearly. Avoid judging them, and you’ll simultaneously find more self-acceptance, too.

Like Virgo, you’re a bit removed from this week’s buzzy vibe. You’re in your own head, nutting out all the potential ways that a current situation can be resolved. Indecision is not your usual schtick - you’re naturally a strategist who is 5 steps ahead of everyone around you. But going with the flow and finding a bit of emotional detachment will be essential for you to find peace. Try to focus outwards, not inwards and seek wisdom that can facilitate some positive thinking. I know affirmations can be silly, but they may just do the trick for you this week.

You’re smack bang in the middle of everything good this week. Friends will buoy you, and raise your spirits. It’s an amazing week to go to a gig or art gallery. Have a drink with someone new, or book in for a spiritual talk. Whatever you do, make sure there’s a bigger purpose to it. It could be easy to fall into light and easy vibes, but there’s the potential for wisdom and deep insights. So have fun, but be heart-led and open to discerning the messaging that the Universe is laying down for you.

While those of you born later in January are still quivering under Pluto’s glare, December and early Jan Capricorns can benefit from this week’s energised inspiration. You’ve learned so much in recent years! Now it’s time to finish chewing over it all, package it up and use it to drive and inform how you choose to live in the future. Life is short! And there’s so much to do. Reassess existing goals and set fresh ones. You love a challenge and this week brings insight into just which challenges are worth pursuing.

Life feels unsettled. Are you on the precipice of something new? About to jump off into a new venture? Perhaps wait until late March to decide if this is really the right direction for you. Stuff is about to change. Use this week’s energy to tap into your deeper, true self. Find your vulnerabilities. Dig into your self-doubt, identity issues and any lack of confidence. Breakthroughs are possible in all of these areas, but only as a result of true introspection, not the reflections of those around you.

It’s the calm before the storm. Sit tight for a week or so, readying yourself for Saturn entering your sign on March 8. You may feel preoccupied and a bit oblivious to any of the fuss that I’m talking about for others. Although with your co-ruler, Jupiter, in the energetic melee, you may find yourself being dragged out to socialise against your will. Good times are definitely possible. Relax and have a laugh. Sit back and watch the scene, and find a moment of gratitude.


Virgo Full Moon


The end of Covid.