The end of Covid.

diagram of the astrological houses

Three factors in the sky mark this week as ‘special’ and have me a bit excited. Grab a copy of your birth chart and lets go through them together…

1. Saturn is in the last degree of Aquarius…

…ready for its shift into Pisces on March 8. The last degree of any sign is a culmination point - it's the most intense expression of the qualities of that sign. Aquarius is about the future, the individual within the collective, progressive ideas and rational rebellion.

Saturn is a co-ruler of Aquarius, and brings a focus on time, authority, structure and organisation. They’re effective bedfellows. Without realising it, you’ve all been blatantly experiencing Saturn (restrictions) in Aquarius (society). It began on March 23, 2020 - the week when MANY people when into Covid lockdown. Now the last degree of Aquarius, this story is finally finishing up.

Astrology Houses 1-6 explained
Astrology Houses 7-12 explained

Check your chart - the Aquarius house as just been through 27 months of SATURN. (Use my reference pics about house meanings to identify your personal topic areas). You may have experienced obstacles and constraint in this area. Perhaps you’ve had to put in extra effort to keep this area of your life moving forward. Perhaps you’ve had a reality check. Or a sense of burden. Extra responsibilities may have hindered your enjoyment of this area of your life.

An example - for me, it’s the 12th house, and I’ve been working hard, behind the scenes, without much acknowledgement or reward. Saturn in Aquarius here, is secret - it’s an investment in your future.

For all of us, as Saturn now sits in the last degree and it’s time to finalise and reflect on this journey. Concluding bits of these stories may manifest in the next week or so.

2. Mercury catches Saturn on Friday…

…Mercury is the planet of communication, mindset, ideas and thinking. It catches up with Saturn once each year. This year it feeds into Saturn’s last degree rumination, amping the sense of mental agitation. There could be worry as you take stock and assess the cold reality of your Saturn story. Positively, it’s perfect for really methodically thinking things through and assessing your current situation. How can you wrap up the story in this part of your life? Do you need to be serious and put more plans in place? Focus on missing detail? Experiment with some innovative ideas? Perhaps you just need to step back, assess and learn from your experiences.

You have until March 8 to do this!

3. Venus, Jupiter and Chiron have a cuddle…

…and gift us with a truly spectacular fortnight of opportunity. This takes place in the middle of Aries. Again, look at your chart to find which house this is, then use the key to decipher what topic areas we’re focusing on in YOUR life. For me, it’s 2nd house, of income, resources and values.

Venus is about harmony, pleasure, relationships and money. Jupiter is about expansion, adventure, optimism and wisdom - so you can see how the two of them together promises a GOOD TIME. It happens briefly, once each year. This year, they’re also meeting up with Chiron, which is more complicated.

Chiron is the place of our deepest wounds, the efforts we make to address them, and the wisdom we gain from chipping away at them. It’s a big of bugger though, in that we never TRULY heal this wound - we just get wiser, learn how to live with it and benefit from the compassion and humility that it brings.

So these three planets together, gives a brilliant chance for each of us to focus on an area of life that may currently feel a little ‘raw’ or vulnerable. It’s the chance to happily focus on this area, with the confidence that you can make improvements or solve something. And guess what? Over the next couple of weeks you actually can make significant progress in this area.

Seek insights about what it is that makes you truly special. Be brave, and discover what you like about yourself and this part of your life. Find value in your difference. Remember that even deeply flawed people are still loveable!

Embrace yourself this week. Grab the opportunity to say farewell to this Covid era, and all the difficulties that it’s brought. Assess who you are now, post-Covid. What have you learned? How have you grown?

Be proud of the wisdom you’ve gained and give yourself a high five. You’ve got this legends!

Have a great week.

PS. Need to get a copy of your birth chart? They’re free on And if you want to go through your chart with a qualified astrologer, then book in a session with me (in person or Zoom).

A key explaining the astrology symbols

Full horoscopes for March 1-8


Pisces New Moon