2024 Astrology horoscopes - Libra
Librans, 2024 looks to be a year of discovery as you seek a new understanding of who you are and what you need in order to feel happy and fulfilled. Librans usually choose to put others first, to defer and make sure that everyone else is ok. Your own happiness may be derived in part from the contentment and harmony of those around you, but the tables turn a little this year. There’s the opportunity for you to assess this strategy. Does putting others first work FOR or AGAINST you? This seems to be the underlying niggle for much of 2024. Everyone born between Sept 24 and Oct 15 may be drawn to make some subtle edits in how they operate within relationships. Take time to consider and then redraw your personal boundaries. There’s no need to cause a scene, it can be quiet process of self-love that you refer back to over the months ahead.
For those of you born Oct 9-17, this process may be triggered by an upset caused by a loved one. Someone is wounding you. But rather than dwell on the justice of the situation, try to take it as a motivating source of learning and wisdom. Don’t let anyone take advantage of your giving nature. March/April looks to be a significant time within this story.
Eclipses across the Aries/Libra axis continue this year - we’ve got three, and most of you are likely to feel the impacts from at least one of these. This adds to the sense of discovery as topics are suddenly brought to light that cause you to pivot in some way. Traditionally, these can be times of beginnings and endings. The October 3 Solar Eclipse is particularly poignant - it’s your astrological NYE, and contains a powerful conjunction with both Mercury and Black Moon Lilith. This is definitely a time to rest, give voice to your deepest needs and demand that others respect your limits.
Pluto’s shift into Aquarius for much of the year brings a powerful ability to make new discoveries and do something influential with them. Transforming ideas into action is 100% possible - particularly around early June when Jupiter comes to form a grand trine. This is a greedy lust for life, the urge to control your independence and a deep transformation of how you feel about yourself. September Librans have front row seats to this energy and I hope you all dive in to see how far you can swim.
From May 26, Jupiter will gradually benefit each one of you by trine. This is confidence, growth, adventure and fun. Save travel plans for the second half of the year when you’re feeling fearless and ready for adventure.
Generally this is a powerful year, full of insight, courage and opportunity.
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: March 25 - Lunar eclipse; April 9 - Solar eclipse; May 26 - Jupiter shifts into Gemini; Early June - powerful Jupiter/Pluto trines; October 3 - Solar eclipse.
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces